indicator electrode

美 [ˈɪndɪkeɪtər ɪˈlektroʊd]英 [ˈɪndɪkeɪtə(r) ɪˈlektrəʊd]
  • 指示电极
indicator electrodeindicator electrode
  1. Study on a Solid State Combined Oxidation-Reduction Indicator Electrode


  2. Application of vanadium ion indicator electrode in leaching kinetics study of roasted stone coal


  3. Graphite coated membrane electrode used as an indicator electrode in potentiometric titration of medicines


  4. Determination of Palladium by Potentiometric Method with Ag-Agl as Indicator Electrode


  5. All purpose indicator electrode for potentiometric titrations of both cationic and anionic type drugs


  6. The leaching process can be tracked by online monitor with vanadium ions as indicator electrode . 4 .


  7. It is proved that the electrode is an excellent universal indicator electrode for organic ion-pair titration systems .


  8. The electrode can be used as indicator electrode in potentiometric titrations with permanganate .


  9. Study on potentiometry in nonaqueous solvents ⅰ . water membrane nickel indicator electrode in tributyl phosphate


  10. A full-solid-state combined oxidation-reduction indicator electrode was prepared .


  11. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide is used as a titrant and a fluoroborate ion-selective electrode as an indicator electrode .


  12. The application of ion-selective electrode is a typical kind of potential analytical method that acts as an indicator electrode , which is also an important branch of the electrochemical analysis .


  13. The electrode was used as an indicator electrode in potentiometric titration of cobalt ( II ) with EDTA and applied to the recovery of determination with satisfactory results .


  14. We can measure the calcium content of the colored or turbid drink using the method of taking calcium electrode as indicator electrode , and calomel electrode as reference electrode .


  15. The simultaneous determination of Ce 4 + and Fe 2 + has been studied by calculating analysis of oxidation-reduction potentiometric titration using platinum electrode as the indicator electrode .


  16. Cetylpyridinium chloride ( CPC ) solution is used as titrant . Smear membrane graphite electrode and calomel electrode are used as indicator electrode and reference electrode .


  17. Determination of the concentration of Vitamin B_1 by the method of automatic potentiometric titration was studied by using silver electrode as indicator electrode and saturated calomel electrode as reference electrode .


  18. In addition , the proposed sensor was successfully used as an indicator electrode in potentiometric titration of Al3 + ion and in the direct determination of Al3 + ion in real samples .


  19. The standard solution of cobalt is used as titrant , the platinum electrode as an indicator electrode , while the calomel electrode as a refer - ence electrode .


  20. The electrode can be successfully used as the indicator electrode in the titration of halide ions with silver ion and for the determination of Vitamin B_1 in Vitamin B_1 tablets .


  21. By using this electrode as the indicator electrode , tetradecylpyridinium chloride can be titrated with dodecyl sulfonate potentiometrically in a fast , continuous , non-equilibrium way .


  22. Method : The content of Norfloxacin capsule was determined by potentiometric titration using self-prepared TPB - selective electrode as indicator electrode and the Na TPB standardized solution as titration agent .


  23. Platinum electrode is used as an indicator electrode of I - 3 which is an indicator in this system , the kinetic process is recorded synchronously by Pentium computer equipped with an AD card .


  24. Dimethylglyoxime is used as titrant , platinum wire as anodic polarized indicator electrode and tungsten rod as cathodic polarized re - ference electrode . Polarizing current is 2 μ A.


  25. In addition , the electrode is successfully used as an indicator electrode in potentiometric titration of Ni2 + ion and in the direct determination of Ni2 + ion in milk power and chocolate samples . 2 .


  26. In copper foil electrolyte a little quality of chlorine ion is titrated directly by silver nitrate typic solution nonaqueous medium-acetone silver electrode is indicator electrode . The comparable electrode is double salt bridge calomel electrode .


  27. The essential of this method is to determine equilibrium potential indicated by the indicator electrode when the cell system is controlled under zero-current state , and further to calculate the concentration of the analyte ion according to Nernst-equation and the obtained potential value .


  28. The single component of BrO - 3 or IO - 3 and the mixture of BrO - 3 and IO - 3 were determined respectively through potentiometric titration using silver electrode as the indicator electrode and AgNO 3 as the titrant .


  29. Using methylene blue as the indicator , the electrode was characterized by electrochemical methods such as cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry .


  30. With the hybridization time increasing , difference of reductive peak current of indicator on the electrode increases sharply . Then it increases slowly in 20 minutes .
